Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Investigation of the Probiotic Properties of Bacterial Strains from Two Probiotic Drinks and Their Survivability in Artificial Gastric Juice

Investigation of the probiotic properties of bacterial strains from two probiotic drinks and their survivability in artificial gastric juice ABSTRACT: Two probiotic drinks were investigated in vitro to test their ability to survive acidic conditions and their probiotic factors. Both the products: Actimel and Yakult contain gram-positive bacteria, but Actimel also has a gram-negative bacteria. The ability to survive was investigated by adding artificial gastric juice to the products and incubating at different times.Actimel and Yakult were both able to survive the gastric juice. Actimel produced more colonies than Yakult but they both lost the same percentage of viability. The longer the time incubated the more the loss of viability. Introduction: In recent years health promoting functional foods has entered the global market as a result of increased prevalence of lifestyle related diseases (A. A. Aramide et al, 2009). People use functional foods and diet to maintain optimal health. C onsumption of probiotics is one of the ways someone could reach and maintain their optimal health.A probiotic is â€Å"living microorganisms, which upon ingestion in certain numbers, exert health benefits beyond inherent basic nutrition† (Todd R. Klaenhammer, 2000). According to the WHO/FAO report 2001 these probiotics can help prevent disorders associated with the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhoea caused by certain pathogenic bacteria and viruses, inflammatory diseases, allergies and a lot more. Actimel and Yakult is a couple of the said probiotic drinks. They claim to increase your body’s natural defences by fighting off the â€Å"bad† bacteria. Actimel is a yogurt-type drink produced by a company called Danoneâ„ ¢.It has three strains of bacteria, two traditional yoghurt cultures: Lactobacillus bulgaricus  and  Streptococcus thermophiles and a third one called L. casei Imunitass ® (http://www. actimel. co. uk/About/-WhatIsActimel. aspx, Accessed Feb, 28, 2010). Lactobacillus is a genus of bacteria that aid in the conversion of lactose to lactic acid hence increasing acidity in the stomach making it hard for harmful bacteria to survive (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Lactobacillus, Accessed Feb 28, 2010). Actimel contains 10 billion L. casei Imunitass ® bacteria per 100ml bottle.This bacterial strain works under a wide range of pH and temperature hence able to survive the acidic conditions in the stomach. This ensures that the bacteria reach the gut alive and active. It helps by topping up the good bacteria in the stomach and making it hard for the germs to survive. The bacteria also aids in strengthening the gut wall so that only certain nutrients can pass. In 2004 a trial carried out to find the effect of Actimel on the immune response of subjects under academic examination stress showed that Actimel was able to control the number of lymphocytes and CD56 cells in subjects under academic examination stress.Other studies also show that the Actimel bacterial strains can be used in treating allergic rhinitis, prevention of diarrhoea and induce immune responses. On the other hand Yakult is milk based probiotic and contains only one strain of bacteria: Lactobacillus  casei  Shirota. It is produced and distributed by Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd. It contains 6. 5 billion L. casei Shirota per 65ml bottle. A variety of scientific studies have shown that Yakult has an effect on the human NK-cell activity, intestinal micro flora and immune parameters in humans.As a guideline a probiotic microorganisms should be resistant to gastric juices and be able to grow in the presence of bile under conditions in the intestines. The aim of this experiment is to measure the survivability of the strains in artificial gastric juice and to identify the bacterial strains said to be in the product. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Gram Stain: Firstly the bacteria were heat fixed according to the instruction in the lab manual. After heat fixing , crystal violet stain was added to the bacteria for 2 minutes, then washed in water and Lugol’s iodine for 30 seconds.The bacteria were decolorised by adding 95% alcohol for 15 seconds followed by a water wash and counter stain with safranin for 1 minute. This was then washed with water and examined under high power (x100) using oil immersion. A picture of these strains each from Actimel and Yakult directly and pure culture was taken. DNA Extraction: To extract the DNA, 1 ml of culture was centrifuged for 5 minutes. The pellet was re suspended in 480 ? l of 50mM EDTA with 60 ? l of 10mg/ml lysozyme then incubated at 370C for 45 minutes, centrifuged for 2 minutes and re suspended in 600 ? of nuclei lysis solution and incubated at 800C for 5 minutes. After cooling down 3 ? l of RNAase was added and left to incubate at 370C for 30 minutes. The mixture was left to cool and 200 ? l of protein precipitation solution was added, left on ice for 5minutes followed by high speed (13000 rpm) centrifuging for 5 minutes. The supernatant was then added to 600 ? l of isopropanol and mixed until DNA â€Å"threads† were formed and centrifuged for 15 minutes. The DNA pellet was washed with 200 ? l of 70% ethanol and centrifuged for 2 minutes. The ethanol was then removed and the DNA left to air dry and then re suspended in 50 ? of sterile water. PCR of chromosomal DNA: A 2 ? l of the DNA was added to 1 ? l of AmpF primer(GAGAGTTTGATYCTGGCTCAG), 1 ? l of AmpR (AAGGAGGTGATCCARCCGCA) primer, 2 ? l of dNTP’s, 10 ? l of x10 PCR buffer, 83 ? l of water and 1 ? l of Taq polymerase was added. This mixture was placed in the Promega Wizard Chromosomal DNA preparation kitâ„ ¢ and run according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. PCR Purification: The PCR reaction contents were added to a 1. 5 ml Eppendorf tube with 500 ? l of buffer PB1. This was centrifuged at high speed in the spin column for 30 seconds.A 750 ? l of buffer PE was added to the spin column and centrifuged for 1 minute. The spin column was then placed in an Eppendorf tube and 50 ? l of water was added and centrifuged for a further 1 minute. A 15 ? l of this PCR product was added to 5 ? l of Gel loading buffer and was run at 50 V for 2 hours. 20 ? l of the PCR product was then sent to the John Innes sequencing service for sequencing. Media Preparation: To media was prepared by adding 37g of Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) to 1 litre of distilled water and mixed using a magnetic stirrer.This was then added to a conical flask with 3g of agar and autoclaved at 1210C, 15 psi for 10 minutes. The media was then microwaved and poured onto petri dishes with Bunsen burner going, to sterilise the air around. Survival Studies: For carrying out the survival studies, 5 ml of the product was added to 25 ml of artificial gastric juice and left to incubate at 370C for 30, 60 and 90 minutes. The product was taken from different bottles to ensure replicates. After incubation the mixture was then diluted to 10-5 for Yakult and 10-7 for Actimel. This was spread onto a petri dish and was left to incubate.The plates were then counted and the number of CFU/ ml was calculated. RESULTS: Culturing bacteria: Firstly the number of colony forming unit (cfu) per ml was worked out by culturing the bacteria from the probiotic products and counting the number of colonies formed. This was then used to work out cfu/dose by using the volume they are produced in, which are 100 ml and 65 ml of Actimel and Yakult respectively. Table 1: Class data of cfu/ml and cfu/dose of bacteria in the product Yakult(cfu/ml)| Yakult(cfu/dose)| Actimel(cfu/ml)| Actimel(cfu/dose)| 4. 21. x 109| 2. x 1011| 4. 36 x 109| 4. 36 x 1011| 4. 14 x 109| 2. 86 x 1011| 2. 6 x 108| 2. 6 x 1010| 9. 7 x 10 9| 7. 8x 1010| 2. 1 x 109| 2. 1 x 1011| 1 x 109| 6. 3 x 109| 7. 5 x 108| 7. 5 x 1010| 1. 6 x 109| 6. 5 x 1010| 5. 5. 2x 108| 5. 5 x 1010| 9 x 107| 5. 8 x 109| 1 x 1010| 1 x 1012| 7 x 107| 4. 5 x 109| 2. 5 x 109| 2. 5 x 101 1| 4. 6 x 109| 2. 99 x 1011| 1. 21x 109| 1. 21x 1011| 1. 68 x 108| 1. 09 x 1010| 4. 3 x 1010| 4. 3 x 1012| 4. 02 x 108| 2. 61 x 1010| 1. 18 x 109| 1. 18 x 1011| 9. 1 x 107| 5. 9 x 109| 2. 89 x 108| 2. 89 x 1010| 1 x 108| 6. 5 x 109| 2. 7 x 109| 2. 7 x 1011| x 108| 3. 2 x 1010| 3. 6 x 109| 3. 6 x 1011| 3. 4 x 107| 2. 2. x109| 2. 7 x 109| 2. 7 x 1011| 2. 39 x108| 1. 5 x 1010| 3. 78 x 109| 3. 78 x 1011| 9. 7 x 107| 6. 3 x 109| 5. 0 x 1010| 5. 0 x 1012| 1 x 108| 6. 5 x 109| 1. 4 x 109| 1. 4 x 1011| 1 x 108| 6. 5 x 109| 2. 6 x 109| 2. 6 x 1011| To compare the mean differences between these two products an independent t test was carried out assuming equal variance. Table 2: Independent t-test of the class data for cfu/dose on Actimel and Yakult Independent t-test| | | Mean| Standard Deviation| SE Mean| P Value| cfu/dose| Actimel| 7. 9 x 1011| 1. 45 x 1012| 3. 41 x 1011| 0. 056| | Yakult| 6. 29 x 1010| 1. 04 x 1011| 2. 46 x 1010| | The mean shows that Actimel contains 10 times more bacteri a than Yakult on average. But only the mean is not significant to come to a conclusion as this could be because of sample variation. The P value from the t-test is 0. 056 which is greater than 0. 05 (P>0. 05) hence the difference between the mean of the two products are not significantly different from zero at the 5% confidence level. Gram Stain: Figure 1 shows the gram stain images from Actimel (i) and Yakult (ii).Figure 1 shows the gram stain images from Actimel (i) and Yakult (ii). Gram stained slides of both Actimel and Yakult were captured onto a computer at x1000 magnification. From the images you can see that Yakult is stained all in one colour but the Actimel contains two different coloured stains. Survival studies: To test the survivability of the bacteria they were incubated with artificial gastric juice for 30 60 and 90 minutes. The colonies were then counted Table 3: Viable counts of survival studies at different time and different replicates | Actimel|Time/min| 1| 2| 3| Mean| CFU/ml| CFU/dose| 0| 329| 69| 1088| 371. 5| 3. 72 x 1010| 3. 72 x 1012| 30| 321| 39| 880| 322. 5| 3. 23 x 1010| 3. 23 x 1012| 60| 309| 28| 740| 286. 8| 2. 87 x 1010| 2. 87 x 1012| 90| 204| 24| 642| 238. 8| 2. 39 x 1010| 2. 39 x 1012| | Yakult| | 1| 2| 3| Mean| CFU/ml| CFU/dose| 0| 312| 135| 53| 125. 0| 1. 25 x 108| 8. 13 x 109| 30| 190| 134| 11| 96. 3| 9. 63 x 107| 6. 26 x 109| 60| 159| 130| 11| 92. 5| 9. 25 x 107| 6. 01 x 109| 90| 149| 84| 8| 81. 5| 8. 15 x 107| 5. 3 x 109| The table shows that colonies on both Actimel and Yakult decrease over time in all the replicates.Both the products decreased to about 65% of its original count. A graph (Figure 2) was plotted with the CFU/dose against time on a log scale and it showed a linear decline over time in both the products. DNA Extraction: Figure 3 shows the Chromosomal DNA gel image. Figure 3 shows the Chromosomal DNA gel image. The DNA from the bacteria was extracted and gel electrophoresis was carried out to ensure that a DNA was obtained from the extraction procedure. Lanes 3 and 4 have migrated towards the positive side showing that chromosomal DNA was obtained.PCR Purification: After the DNA underwent the PCR process, the PCR product was purified and run on a gel electrophoresis to check if PCR product has been obtained. Figure 4 shows the image of PCR product run under electrophoresis. Figure 4 shows the image of PCR product run under electrophoresis. As the image shows there is a PCR product obtained as there is a distinct band in lanes 2 and 3. DNA Sequencing: The PCR product was then sent to the John Innes centre for sequencing and the following sequence was obtained.Actimel: GGGTCGGGGCGGGTGCTATACATGCAGTCGAACGAGTTCTCGTTGATGATCGGTGCTTGCACCGAGATTCAACATGGAACGAGTGGCGGACGGGTGAGTAACACGTGGGTAACCTGCCCTTAAGTGGGGGATAACATTTGGAAACAGATGCTAATACCGCATAGATCCAAGAACCGCATGGTTCTTGGCTGAAAGATGGCGTAAGCTATCGCTTTTGGATGGACCCGCGGCGTATTAGCTAGTTGGTGAGGTAATGGCTCACCAAGGCGATGATACGTAGCCGAACTGAGAGGTTGATCGGCCACATTGGGACTGAGACACGGCCC AAACTCCTACGGGAGGCAGCAGTAGGGAATCTTCCACAATGGACGCAAGTCTGATGGAGCAACGCCGCGTGAGTGAAGAAGGCTTTCGGGTCGTAAAACTCTGTTGTTGGAGAAGAATGGTCGGCAGAGTAACTGTTGTCGGCGTGACGGTATCCAACCAGAAAGCCACGGCTAACTACGTGCCAGCAGCCGCGGTAATACGTAGGTGGCAAGCGTTATCCGGATTTATTGGGCGTAAAGCGAGCGCAGGCGGTTTTTTAAGTCTGATGTGAAAGCCCTCGGCTTAACCGAGGAAGCGCATCGGAAACTGGGAAACTTGAGTGCAGAAGAGGACAGTGGAACTCCATGTGTAGCGGTGAAATGCGTAGATATATGGAAGAACACCAGTGGCGAAGGCGGCTGTCTGGTCTGTAACTGACGCTGAGGCTCGAAAGCATGGGTAGCGAACAGGATTAGATACCCTGGTAGTCCATGCCGTAAACGATGAATGCTAGGTGTTGGAGGGTTTCCGCCCTTCAGTGCCGCAGCTAACGCATTAAGCATTCCGCCTGGGGAGTACGACCGCAAGGTTGAAACTCAAAGGAATTGACGGGGGCCCGCACAAGCGGTGGAGCATGTGGTTTAA Yakult: TAGGAGTGGGCGCGTGCCTATACATGCAAGTCGAACGAGTTCTCGTTGATGATCGGTGCTTGCACCGAGATTCAACATGGAACGAGTGGCGGACGGGTGAGTAACACGTGGGTAACCTGCCCTTAAGTGGGGGATAACATTTGGAAACAGATGCTAATACCGCATAGATCCAAGAACCGCATGGTTCTTGGCTGAAAGATGGCGTAAGCTATCGCTTTTGGATGGACCCGCGGCGTATTAGCTAGTTGGTGAGGTAATGGCTCACCAAGGCGATGATACGTAGCCGAACTGAGAGGTTGATCGGCCACATTGGGACTGAGACACGGCCCAAACTCCTACGGGAGGCAGCAGTAGGGAATCTTC CACAATGGACGCAAGTCTGATGGAGCAACGCCGCGTGAGTGAAGAAGGCTTTCGGGTCGTAAAACTCTGTTGTTGGAGAAGAATGGTCGGCAGAGTAACTGTTGTCGGCGTGACGGTATCCAACCAGAAAGCCACGGCTAACTACGTGCCAGCAGCCGCGGTAATACGTAGGTGGCAAGCGTTATCCGGATTTATTGGGCGTAAAGCGAGCGCAGGCGGTTTTTTAAGTCTGATGTGAAAGCCCTCGGCTTAACCGAGGAAGCGCATCGGAAACTGGGAAACTTGAGTGCAGAAGAGGACAGTGGAACTCCATGTGTAGCGGTGAAATGCGTAGATATATGGAAGAACACCAGTGGCGAAGGCGGCTGTCTGGTCTGTAACTGACGCTGAGGCTCGAAAGCATGGGTAGCGAACAGGATTAGATACCCTGGTAGTCCATGCCGTAAACGATGAATGCTAGGTGTTGGAGGGTTTCCGCCCTTCAGTGCCGCAGCTAACGCATTAAGCATTCCGCCTGGGGAGTACGACCGCAAGGTTGAAACTCAAAGGAATTGACGGGGCCCGCACAAGCGGTGGGA Figure 5 shows the graphical summary of â€Å"strong† hits in the database of Yakult (i) and Actimel (i). Figure 5 shows the graphical summary of â€Å"strong† hits in the database of Yakult (i) and Actimel (i).This sequence was then run through the BLAST analysis to identify the probiotic isolate. Discussion: A Probiotic must be able to survive the conditions of the stomach and pass through to the gu t without significant loss. The bacteria found in the probiotics are cultured on petri dishes to test the amount of colonies present in the product. As mentioned above Actimel contains 10 billion per 100 ml and Yakult contains 6. 5 billion per 65 ml. From the t-test there was no significant difference in the content of the two products (Table 1). This was due to the fact that they both contain 100 million bacteria per ml of product. From the gram stain images both Actimel and Yakult was stained with the same conditions.But Yakult had only one stain whereas Actimel had two different stains. This is due to the fact that there is more than one species of bacteria in Actimel. The colour of the staining represents two different types of bacteria: gram-negative and gram-positive. All species of the lactobacillus genus are gram-positive. Gram-positive organisms retain the stain when they are stained with crystal violet but gram negative organisms lose their purple/violet stain when washed with alcohol but when retain safranin stain. Therefore the Yakult contains only gram positive bacteria (L. casei Shirota ®) while Actimel contains both gram positive and gram negative bacterium (Figure 1). From the survival studies we can

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Story of Salt

The book suggested for this book report is â€Å"The story of salt† written by the author Mark Kurlansky. The book in whole educates people about the significance of a simple element â€Å"salt†. This book is not just for the adults but also for the teenagers and the primary level students. This book introduces the readers with the common facts that had been off-beat. This book is reviewed on a large scale and recommended by many of its readers. About the author: The author of this book Mark Kurlansky is well-known among the book lovers. He has been awarded with the James Beard Award for Excellence in Food Writing. His many writing includes â€Å"A biography of fish which changed the view. And this is an achievement in itself, if a book writer really changes one’s perspective towards any subject (The Random House Group, 2009). The most common feature in his books is salt. Just for the sake of knowing the facts about salt and how does this substance can really change the contemporary picture of the world, he travelled to many countries in the world. The countries he visited are China, Middle East, and Africa. Mark Kurlansky writing pieces includes, â€Å"The big oyster†, â€Å"The last fish tale†, â€Å"1968 (the year when the world was rocked) and many more† (Random House, INC, 2009). These writing pieces by the author have focused the food and greatly salt. In this paper will discuss his book â€Å"The story of the salt† About the book: This book deals with the ubiquitous and such a simple substance, salt. How salt helped the civilizations to evolve and how it bring change in the economy in the World. Salt is the substance which can make a country become the most powerful. In this book the significance of the salt tells all the facts and secrets has been revealed. Salt is most important to superpowers like America to control the world. This book reveals that how important salt is for the human body. Illustrations: This book contains many vibrant, attention-grabbing and supportive illustrations with text which made it easy for the readers to understand the importance of the simple substance salt. There are illustrations symbolizing the different civilization and the use of the salt in their era. Main Idea: At first when salt was used in the meals with meat and other types of meat (white meat, beef) but its industrial use got raise when salt was discovered as the best preservative. And that’s when the use of the salt became more common. Almost every state’s economy is greatly affected (in raise or loss) by the frozen food because of the new trends of intake of food. America in particular has the industry of frozen food selling on the highest score (Kurlansky, 2006). The question that arises in our minds is that if the salt was not discovered as a preservative, then how it would be the state of the frozen food cultured economies? This shows the evident importance of the salt in the economic affairs of the state. Did you ever thought about when using the table salt? In this book Mark provided records of the first use of salt different countries. For example, China started its production for salt nearly 8000 B. C before. Mark introduces to the foodie culture of China that they sprinkle salt rightly on their food (Kurlansky, 2006). This book also deals with many famous bodies from the history involved in the history of salt. For example, Gandhi was the one who broke the law of Britain regarding salt which damaged their trade of salt. Another example from the book is of Clarence Birdseye. He is the biggest name in the market of frozen foods (Kurlansky, 2006). This book also tells about the phenomenon of colonialism which was greatly affected or being revolutionized by the salt. The salt trade helped those states which had their salt sources on the list. And when war broke out, the colonists had to find their mass of salt in order to track back their colonialism (Kurlansky, 2006). Mark in this book takes us back to the beginning of the time when prior to civilizations, men as a vagrant and rolling stone use to wonder in the world to find the salt masses which was and is necessary for the human bodies. In the search men discovered many other natural resources so titling that salt was the reason behind the discoveries of world’s many important land recourses (Kurlansky, 2006). This book holds record from all the international history as well as political history of different states and how these states gathered their sources on the basis of mass of salts. Salt is called as the key for the explorations era. Salt was used by many countries for different purpose. For example, how the people of Egypt used salt as a preserver for keeping the bodies of their kings and emperors fresh and preserved. Salt was greatly consumed for this reason (Kurlansky, 2006). Ketchup is commonly used with every food, especially in the regions America, Europe and Mexico. A very interesting point to note from the book is that how salt helped making the ketchup. Because Mark was a food writer too, he included ketchup in a very witty style in his book with the right illustrations to go with it. Therefore reading the text from the book it is quite evident that choosing such a topic and to describe it in such a good way really help him deserves the best outcome of the hard work. This book â€Å"The Story of Salt† is the best seller by Mark. Moreover the author’s goal specifically in this book is to educate people about the little facts that are of less importance to them. And he is successful in this regard.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Cavalier Poetry

Cavalier Poetry is an early 17th century movement centered chiefly on Thomas Carew, Robert Herrick, Richard Lovelace, Henry Vaughn and John Suckling. Ben Jonson admired most of these poets. Cavalier Poetry takes its name from the supporters of King Charles I in the 17th century. These supporters at this period were called the Cavaliers; They were royalists during the civil wars. Aspect of Literary characteriscs, Cavalier Poetry is different from metaphysical poetry because it does not use complicated metaphors and unrealistic imagery. It prefers a rather clear expression. Although It did not confuse readers with deep meaning and allegory It reflected every thought. Its subject was mostly related to carpe diem (meaning seize the day). Using of direct language is the most common characteristic of Cavalier Poetry. This states a fairly individualistic personality. While writing, the Cavaliers admit the ideal of the Renaissance Gentleman who is a soldier, a lover, clever, a musician, and a poet. However They keep away from the religion subject except making several graceful speeches. They do not try understand depths of soul. Indeed, they treat life freely, and occasionally they treat poetic canvention freely, as well. Life is too enjoyable for them in a study. They must write the poems in intervals of living and their poems reflect things which are much alive and enjoyable than philosophy or art. English Lyrical Tradition was contributed by the Cavaliers. They displayed us that it was probable for poetry celebrating the small pleasures and sadnesses of life. The most comman format of poetry that comes to mind is a typical example of the Cavalier thought structure.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Does Marx consider capitalism to be unjust Essay

Does Marx consider capitalism to be unjust - Essay Example This essay will first analyse Marx’s views on capitalist exploitation followed by analysis of literature on those who consider his arguments as pointing to capitalism as unjust and then those who are of the opinion that it not before arriving at a conclusion. Prior to the analysis of Marx’s arguments concerning capitalism, it is imperative to make a brief analysis of his general views of the ideology. To summarize Marx’s views on capitalism exploitation, such efforts must rely on the two facets distinguishable in the wage relation. Firstly, capitalism exploitation according to Marx can be analysed in the context of circulation. Based on circulation framework of capitalism exploitation, Marx claims there is a trade of equivalent values where the worker is given wages for labour-power (Appelrouth, 2008). Workers sell their capacity to work as their commodity whereas from the capitalist, the workers receive in the exchange process, the wages that represents the valu e of the commodity they sell. These wages are seen as being the value of what goes into producing such the labour as commodities for this exchange. Therefore, according to Marx, what workers receive from the capitalist, represents the full equivalent in value of what workers sell consequently, he does not see any reason to believe there is any cheating involved in such a process (Sitton, 2010). Secondly, Marx highlighted capitalism exploitation on the facet of production. Marx claims that workers, whose labour is the main source of the value pegged on commodities produced by the capitalist, will have to work longer hours than the time required reproducing the value equivalent to their own labour-power. This further translates to working for a longer time than is necessary for the value of the wage they have received (Bellofiore, Starosta and Thomas, 2013). Based on this approach of capitalist exploitation, the workers perform surplus labour therefore generating surplus-value to be a ppropriated by the capitalist inform of profits. Marx saw operation of labour-power as creating value that is greater than what the value labour-power itself represents and is purchased for (Struna, 2009). The two facets therefore represents two contrasting features of capitalism, seen in the balancing aspects of the wage relations evident in circulation process and in the in the facet of production, where workers produce surplus value to be appropriated by the capitalist. It is from the two facets of capitalist exploitation that the question whether Marx think it unjust or not stems. If according to Marx there is no injustice or fraud in the wage the capitalist pays for the purchased labour, it is because he saw the capitalist and the labourer exchanging on an equivalent basis. However, this is only true of the preliminary and narrow viewpoint of the circulation process where the wage relation is treated as an exchange of equivalents where there is an exchange of labour for power. Where Marx concentrates his efforts is in the surplus labour, which the worker must render for the capitalist to get his profit. On basis of surplus labour, Marx sees the capitalist

Declaration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Declaration - Essay Example ? was affected as a means of avoiding a schism that would necessarily diminished the overall level of support that the newly formed â€Å"United States† could engender from its southern states. From an analysis of the texts provided, it is clear and apparent that the reaction to the Declaration of Independence within the United States was not quite as it has been presented throughout successive American history courses. By and large, the Declaration of Independence went largely unnoticed and unheralded; due to the fact that bloodshed and hostility had already existed for the period of over a year between the British Empire and the colonial revolutionaries (Maier 3). As such, the overall impact of such a document was somewhat secondary to the realities of the strategic battles that were occurring within the colonies at the time. This is not to state that the Declaration of Independence was somehow unimportant; rather, with respect to the day-to-day life of the average American, the outcome of the war and the realities of the conflict were of much greater importance. Interestingly, the reaction to the Declaration of Independence throughout the world came in many different forms. For instance, European empires were fearful of the publication of the Declaration of Independence within their respective languages and/4 within their respective populations. This was obviously due to the fact that they feared that such a level of enlightenment thinking with regards to the innate and tacit rights of mankind would inspire similar acts of rebellion against their own assets throughout the world. However, notwithstanding this fact, the reaction to the enlightenment thinking of the Declaration of Independence spread rather quickly throughout (Armitage 31) Europe. It ultimately reached as far away as Warsaw within only a few months after its initial publication. By and large, the European response to the Declaration of Independence was one that was incredulous and curious with

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Short term finance sources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Short term finance sources - Essay Example It is evident from the study that in today’s modern era, every business maintains a bank account of its own where it deposits the money it receives from the sales generated by the business. As the businesses expand, the ratio of their cash sales ratio decreases to the credit sales ratio, because of which the businesses can face difficulties in paying their short term and immediate expenses such as paying salaries of their work and the heating bill. This is when the businesses ask ‘their’ bank for an overdraft so that they can pay for their expenses. Bank overdraft is a form of loan given by the bank to its customers and businesses, where the customers and businesses are charged interest on the money spent by them. Another option that a business can exercise to pay for its expenditures and administrative costs is by arranging a short term loan from the bank. Any loan taken from the bank that has to be repaid within a year can be defined as ‘short term loanâ⠂¬â„¢. Trade credit is the number of days in which a business has to pay for the good it has received from the supplier. The number of days in which the payment has to be made for the business entirely depends on the working relationship between the supplier and the buyer. If the buyer has been maintaining a good reputation and has always being paying on time, the supplier may also go a little easy on the buyer by giving him enough time to arrange for the funds. Sale of unused assets: Most businesses only exercise this source of finance when all their sources of finance are have been used up. In this source of finance, funds are generated by selling unused fixed assets of a business or assets that the business is not making full use of, which may include extra machinery, buildings and vehicles. By selling the unused fixed assets, the business is able to generate enough funds to meet its requirements. In 2010, Lokul Oil used four sources of finance to meet their requirements which we re, Trade Credit, Sale of investments, Sale of property and Sale of its subsidiary companies. To generate funds to meet its short term obligations, Lokul Oil had to sell its short term investments, which included bonds and other cash equivalents. In addition to that, Lokul Oil also sold some of its subsidiary companies to generate enough cash for the company so that they don’t have to arrange for a bank overdraft or short term loans to pay for the expenses. The company also sold some of its property that it had bought long time back for expanding purposes, in order to generate cash to meet the short term obligations of the company. On the other hand, the primary sources of finance that were used by Premier oil to finance its expenses were Trade Credit, Sale of unused assets and Sale of investments. Premier oil asked their suppliers to extend the payment time given to them so that they meet their other short term expenses first, and then, when they have enough funds, the suppl iers will be paid. This helped in solving the problem of meeting short term obligations for Premier oil. Another source through which Premier Oil arranged for funds to meet its short term obligations was sale of its unused fixed assets, the assets that the company had in surplus. This included sale of property, offices, buildings, sites which were not profitable or were not generating enough revenue to meet the company’s demand. This source of finance helped in putting the idle money into use. Like Lukul Oil, Premier Oil also used sale of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Intellectual property College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Intellectual property College - Essay Example Intellectual property ensures that the products are out into market from the original effort and curbs adulation. A property which is exclusive achievement of a particular company is guided by the intellectual property right according to the constitutional legal process existing in the country. Thus the intellectual property provides exclusive right to have freedom to work on the application or product and eliminates others to copy your effort. A resource or goods should be allowed to own and benefit from it, and the rights should describe whom should property rights be vested for those resources Second, what constraints should be covered in those rights consist of Intellectual Property: a term often used to refer generically to property rights created through intellectual and/or discovery efforts of a creator that are generally protectable under patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, trade dress or other law Intellectual property rights is now used extensively as a business parameter due to competition, product differentiation and process flow gaining much importance in running a business entity. According to the nature of business operations and systems intellectual property rights have been classified to address a specific area of concern. Design: A right gives exclusive rights ... Copy rights related Copy right: A right which authenticates an individuals or an organisation work not to copied, reproduced, summarized or redistributed in any form without the concern of the initiator. Design: A right gives exclusive rights on the individuals or an organisation to proceed legally if any party copy sell or redesign the same features under other name, thus conferring rights to the first initiator. Patent: An exclusive recognisition for the utilities, design process flow thus not allowing others to copy sell or redistribute the original idea but others can quote the work for another application in any other form. Trademark: Are the distinguish features like symbols, design, words, caption or a sentence which is entitled to a single organisation. This confers that the products or service is from one brand. Reference: September.13.2006. "Glossary of Intellectual Property Terms". Available at this Website: Viewed on 12th September 2006 10PM IST Trade secret: A trade secret is an management tool that is kept in the internal walls of an organisation which is vital in the success of a feature, product or a process flow different from other business entities. Intellectual property has a greater significance in this period of globalization as it enables us to locate and protect every aspect which drives your revenues. An IP policy makes the organisation to stand ahead of others in competition and which are very unique and exclusive to your organisation. The advent of new technologies which can tap the essence of any new product or application of the process is an important aspect to observe as it gives opportunities to the competitors and the pirate professional to imitate and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Statistics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Statistics - Assignment Example For ratio or interval scale data, the median is suitable than the mean if the sample or population size is small and the data is scattered (Cohen 229). The concept is interesting because it identifies ignorance that lead to unnecessary or inaccurate data description that is common in statistical reports. It has informed me of the need for precision in reporting data through selection of a single and suitable descriptive statistics for reporting. Pearson correlation helps in investigating and understanding possible associations, strength of association, and directions of associations between a pair of variables. Investigating the relationship between households’ weekly income and corresponding weekly expenditure is a potential study for the Pearson correlation. In the study, weekly income is the independent variable, X, while weekly expenditure is the dependent variable, Y. A stratified random sampling design is be used to identify participants from different ranges of income and paired data recorded for each household. Area of residence, with the effects of social class, is the basis of stratification and correlation analysis informs data analysis with r and r2 values as the key statistics. A positive r value, such as +0.7, is expected and this shows that household income and income expenditure have a strong positive correlation. This means that increase in the value of one variable leads to corresponding increase in the value of another. The r2 value indicates reliability of the proposed relationship and shows percentage of the data that the relationship explains. In this case, r2 is 0.49 and means that the correlation coefficient explains 49 percent of the analyzed data (Weinberg and Abramowitz 130). T-test for independent samples can be used to investigate effects of training on an organization’s sales representatives. Two groups would be involved in the study. One group, the treatment group, is a sample of 20 sales representatives from a

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Buddhism healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Buddhism healthcare - Essay Example Buddhist rituls usully consist of thr min lmnts: rcittion, chnting nd th mking of offrings. Th vrss rcitd r usully ssocitd with th principl tnts nd idls of Buddhism; ND thy giv xprssion to th spiritul spirtion which mks somon Buddhist. Buddhists usully chnt in ithr Pli or Snskrit (two ncint Indin lngugs) nd chnting is wy of forging n motionl connction with motionl Buddhist idls. Somtims Buddhists chnt mntrs, Snskrit phrss which r blivd to b th vrbl xprssions of nlightnmnt. Offrings usully consist of flowrs, symbolising both buty nd imprmnnc; cndls, symbolising th rdinc of nlightnmnt; nd incns which prvds th ir in th sm wy tht th truth s xprincd by th Buddh prvds th univrs (Boorstin, 2001). Th cor thicl cod of Buddhism is known s th fiv prcpts, nd ths r th distilltion of its thicl principls. Th prcpts r not ruls or commndmnts, but 'principls of trining', which r undrtkn frly nd nd to b put into prctic with intllignc nd snsitivity. Th Buddhist trdition cknowldgs tht lif is complx nd throws up mny difficultis, nd it dos not suggst tht thr is singl cours of ction tht will b right in ll circumstncs. Indd, rthr thn spking of ctions bing right or wrong, Buddhism spks of th bing skilful (kusl) or unskilful (kusl) (Twd, 2000). 1. Not killing or cusing hrm to othr living bings.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

MARKETING DEBATEIs Service Marketing Different From Product Marketing Essay

MARKETING DEBATEIs Service Marketing Different From Product Marketing - Essay Example factor has been at the core essence of any organization mainly due to the fact that it is the ultimate resource which brings about completion of work and duties. People factor in the service encounter gains an even more significant position. Thus a company can move from a position of stability to one of a complete unstable stance as it acquires different means of gathering the market and its driving factors that come along with it. (Lazer, 1971) Thus the differences between the present day service marketing and the traditional product marketing in the ranks of the small and the large businesses asks of the marketers to learn the same so that they could understand for their own betterment what the present day marketing regimes could bring about and thus benefit all and sundry. The intention behind marketing is to make people aware of this form of business which is all about the propagation of knowledge and information related with the product/service in mind and the company which is making it available for one and all. (Bailey, 2000) With that, one understands that the foundation of marketers will be strong so that they could step right into the practical world and do not feel at sea when the business plans and the marketing strategies are discussed with regards to different products and brands. Thus marketing is taught in colleges for imparting the much valuable information and the precise details of the insight that would enable one and all towards the issues which a person could encounter in his practical life. (Aguirre, 2001) From a standpoint of small and large businesses, product and service marketing is in fact a battle ground for learning a lot of things which are related with the psychological basis since understanding the psyche of the consumers beforehand can be the starting point for comprehending as to what they actually want and what they should be offered in terms of the product offerings and services mix. Coming from the quarters of the present day

How to Write a Research Paper Essay Example for Free

How to Write a Research Paper Essay â€Å"This should be sent to a journal† â€Å"Very good work, but I’m not sure why Alan Bundy hasn’t written this? † Anonymous review: â€Å"Clearly the author fails to understands Walsh’s previous work on this topic† †¢ 1st Lesson †¢ Don’t lose heart †¢ Even if you do everything right, reviewing is imperfect Good papers will be rejected But try to learn from your knock-backs! †¢ †¢ Why you? †¢ Academic career †¢ Publish or perish †¢ Have an impact †¢ †¢ Communicate your results Many have not had the impact they deserve for being bad writers †¢ Writing is fun! Outline †¢ How to get your paper rejected †¢ There are many traps even experienced researchers make Myself very much included †¢ †¢ Hints about how to write a paper †¢ Writing is a craft not a science! How to be rejected †¢ Submit over-length †¢ Blind man: send in 7 pages even though the instructions clearly say 5 Once they see quality of work, they’ll be pleased you sent in more material †¢ How to be rejected Submit over-length †¢ †¢ Diplomatic immunity: put extra 2 pages in appendix Appendices clearly don’t count Similarly, bibliography doesn’t count †¢ †¢ How to be rejected †¢ Submit over-length †¢ LaTeX hacker: †¢ †¢ †¢ change from 11 to 9 point font squeeze inter-line space †¢ No one will ever notice How to be rejected †¢ Submit late †¢ †¢ †¢ Deadlines are meant for everyone else Review schedules have plenty of slack Your paper is worth the wait! How to be rejected †¢ You don’t have room for space wasters like: †¢ Motivation, Background, Related work †¢ Why do review forms always have these on them anyway? How to be rejected †¢ Annoy reader/reviewer †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Proof is trivial, when it isn’t Prove the trivial Fail to cite their work Only cite yourself How to be rejected †¢ Annoy reader/reviewer †¢ Don’t bother to spell check †¢ What do computers know about spelling anyway? †¢ Use all the old cliches †¢ â€Å"There has been a lot of interest recently in global constraints. † How to be rejected †¢ Annoy reader/reviewer †¢ Be pompous, boring, †¢ This is science not literature guys, who said it should be fun? †¢ Be overly formal †¢ Theorems and formulas add weight How to be rejected †¢ Annoy reader/reviewer †¢ Make them really work †¢ After all, these are dif? cult concepts and it took you some time †¢ Ignore reviews †¢ Just keep sending paper in, eventually it will be accepted How to write a paper †¢ Hints about how to write †¢ †¢ †¢ Preparation Writing itself Ethics Preparation †¢ Read, read, read! †¢ To learn how to write, read a lot †¢ I spend over 20% of my time reading †¢ 1 day/week in library Read, Read, Read †¢ Related literature †¢ †¢ †¢ So you can cite it So you don’t re-invent wheels So you know what others think are important research questions Read, Read, Read †¢ Other conference/journal papers where you intend to publish †¢ †¢ So you learn the â€Å"house† style So you can place your work within the bigger picture So you learn how to ask good questions †¢ Read, Read, Read †¢ Any sort of literature †¢ Magazines, novels, biographies, †¢ Writing is a skill, learn from others †¢ I read approx one novel/week as a way of trying to learn how to write And I have the luxury of writing in my own language! †¢ Review, Review, Review †¢ Review as much as you can †¢ †¢ †¢ So you see good/bad writing So you see the newest results (but see ethics) So you ask yourself good questions †¢ What is the contribution here? What are the weaknesses? Write, Write, Write †¢ The best preparation to writing is to write †¢ †¢ Writing gets easier the more you do it Writing is easier if you’ve drafted much of what you already need Writing is the best way to organize your thoughts Writing is a good way to record what you have done. †¢ †¢ Writing †¢ Work out the timetable †¢ †¢ †¢ Rushed papers frequently rejected Late papers are almost always rejected If you always write to deadlines, writing will seem more painful than it is Writing †¢ Work out the message †¢ You should be able to convey this in one sentence †¢ â€Å"We propose a new global constraint, provide a ? ltering algorithm and show it useful on some standard benchmarks† Writing †¢ Work out the message †¢ You should be able to convey this in one sentence †¢ â€Å"We identify an important class of symmetry, and show how to break it† †¢ Write to the message! Writing †¢ Distribute the work †¢ †¢ Play to your strengths If you have a native speaker, have them write intro/conclusion †¢ Write to length †¢ Brutally cut papers are frequently rejected Writing †¢ †¢ Structure paper before you write it I write template for paper with sections and subsection headings ? rst †¢ Intro, Background, Theoretical results, Empirical results, Related work, Conclusions Writing †¢ †¢ Start where you are most happy Often write from the middle outwards †¢ Theoretical results, Experiments, , Conclusions, Introduction, Abstract Writing †¢ †¢ Rule of Three Say everything 3 times! †¢ †¢ †¢ Introduce idea (introduction) Develop idea (body of paper) Summarize result (conclusions) †¢ But don’t copy verbatim the same text! Title †¢ Make it meaningful and brief †¢ †¢ Don’t make a joke Remember someone reading reference needs to be able to work out likely contents Good: the TSP phase transition Bad: Easy Problems are sometimes Hard †¢ †¢ Abstract †¢ Executive summary †¢ Try for one sentence or so on: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Motivation Method Key result Conclusions Introduction †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ What is the problem? Why is it interesting? What are your contributions? What is the outline of what you will show? Introduction †¢ Lure the reader in a with a good ? rst sentence †¢ Bad: There has been a lot of work recently on phase transition behaviour Good: Global constraints are central to the success of constraint programming †¢ Background †¢ Often need to set scene †¢ †¢ †¢ De? ne formalism Get reader up to speed Identify research problem Body of Paper †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Derive theoretical results Propose new algorithm Describe system engineered Results †¢ Bullet proof paper †¢ Theoretical results †¢ Experiments only provide a limited view †¢ Experimental results †¢ Theory doesn’t show if results are useful in practice. Related work †¢ Has many purposes †¢ †¢ †¢ You give proper credit to prior work You are not re-inventing wheel You can compare what you do with what has been done before Conclusions †¢ †¢ Remind reader of what you have done Place work in wider context †¢ â€Å"What general lessons might be learnt from this study? † †¢ Flag all the exciting open research directions Acknowledgements †¢ Thank all who have helped you †¢ Provided code, data sets, †¢ Thank ? nancial sponsors Writing †¢ Keep it simple! †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Active, not passive Present, not past or future Long words Short sentences Writing †¢ Avoid temptation to include every result you have †¢ †¢ †¢ Paper needs to be coherent Paper needs to be understandable Many papers are rejected for having too many results! Ethics of Writing †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Authorship Citation Submission Publication Authorship †¢ Who should be an author? †¢ Anyone who has made a signi? cant contribution May not have written any text! Always err on the side of caution †¢ †¢ Authorship †¢ Who should be an author? †¢ †¢ †¢ Ask! You’ll be surprised how often people refuse You can be sure they’ll not work with you again if they feel they should be Authorship †¢ Should my advisor be an author? †¢ †¢ †¢ In ? rst few years of thesis, probably yes .. Once you graduate, you should (be able to) write papers on your own Again, ask! †¢ Citation †¢ Cite all relevant work †¢ †¢ †¢ Reviews always ask about Related Work You’ll want them to cite you It’s central to the scienti? c method †¢ We stand on the shoulders of others Citation †¢ Do I cite myself for a blind review? †¢ †¢ †¢ Yes! You must credit all previous work Either cite [Author, 2004] Or write â€Å"As Walsh has shown previously [Walsh 2004] † Submission †¢ Can I submit to multiple conferences? †¢ What’s the deal with the disclaimer (†This paper is not under review ..†)? †¢ Can I submit to a journal immediately? †¢ †¢ No hard and fast rules My rule, once reviews are back and paper is effectively in press Publication †¢ Can I publish my conference paper as it is in a journal? †¢ Probably not, even though conference is not archival Most journals ask you to extend conference paper substantially †¢ †¢ Proofs, more experiments, Final words †¢ It takes time to learn how to write †¢ Don’t be put off if at ? rst your have papers rejected All of us have papers rejected †¢ †¢ Spend time learning how to write †¢ It will be worth the investment.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Determining the Rate of Osmosis with Water and Sucrose Essay Example for Free

Determining the Rate of Osmosis with Water and Sucrose Essay Determining the Rate of Osmosis with Water and Sucrose 10/3/2012 Determining the Rate of Osmosis with Water and Sucrose Author: Results: Bag 1 had a rate of osmosis equal to 0. 01 grams per minute. Bag 2 had a rate of osmosis equal to 0. 0543 grams per minute. Bag 3 had a rate of osmosis equal to 0. 0471 grams per minute. Bag 4 had a rate of osmosis equal to 0. 0886 grams per minute. Bag 5 had a rate of osmosis equal to -0. 0914 grams per minute (Figure A). Figure A: Shifting of mass in grams for each dialysis bag was measured every 5 minutes for 30 minutes. Data follows expectations of hypothesis on the basis that H2O will move from an area of high concentration to low concentration. Also, the rate of which it would move depending on concentration. The higher the concentration of sucrose inside of the dialysis bag, the faster the rate of water will travel into the bag. The rate of osmosis increases as the concentration of sucrose inside the bag is higher. Correspondingly, with bag 5, the water inside the dialysis bag would travel once again to a place of lower water concentration, the sucrose in the beaker. This is so because sucrose has a low concentration of water. Therefore, the water will travel from high to low concentration. The sucrose in bags 2, 3, and 4 are hypertonic to the water inside the beaker. Adversely, the water inside the beaker is hypotonic to the sucrose inside the bag. Another example to this would be swimming in the ocean (salt water) where the ocean’s water is hypertonic (lower water concentration) and the human body is hypotonic (higher water concentration), causing the water inside the human body to move from its high concentration to the ocean’s low concentration. Bag 1 represents an isotonic solution, where the water concentration inside the bag is close or equal to the concentration of water outside the bag. Another example of isotonic is 0. 9% NaCl, an I. V. olution, is isotonic to humans. This study interprets the importance of osmosis in daily biology as it can be detrimental to living cells and simultaneously profitable. For instance, plants need to be hypertonic to their hypotonic surroundings. If the solution outside the membrane has a lower concentration of solutes than the interior has, water will move into the vesicle via osmosis (Freeman p. g 91). Water travels into their cells, causing their cell to swell so that the ir stems may stand up straight.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Fiat Changing Business Environment Marketing Essay

Fiat Changing Business Environment Marketing Essay ABSTRACT This report focus on the FIAT group and analysis of its external business environment. It outlines the companys background in terms of its history and product services, with major strategic milestones and key competitors. The operations in some of the tools used for the external analysis are the pestel and porters. As a result, strategic directions are proposed that will assist the FIAT group in sustaining and developing a successful performance in order to keep and improve its market positions globally. This report is also concluded of list of recommendation for the FIAT group. CONTENTS 1 ABSTRACT 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 INTERNAL ENVIRONMNET 2.2 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT 3. MICRO-ENVIRONMENT KEY COMPETITORS CUSTOMERS SUPPLIERS PUBLIC PRODUCT AND SERVICES 4. MACRO-ENVIRONMENT POLITICAL INFLUENCE ECONOMIC INFLUENCE SOCIAL INFLUENCE TECHNOLOGICAL INFLUENCE ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCE LEGAL INFLUENCE 5. COMPANY BACKGROUND MISSION AND VISION STATEMENT OF FIAT GROUP HISTORY 6. SWOT ANALYSIS 7. RECOMENDATION 8. CONCLUSION 9. REFERNCES 2. INTRODUCTION: Business Strategy is seen as one of the most important areas within Fiat group. It can also be defined as per Johnson Scholes and Whittington (2008, p.3) as the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term, which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling stakeholders expectations. As can be seen, strategy is a complex field and inevitably connected to Fiat companies success or failure. Thus it is vital for the organisation to constantly evaluate and adapt its strategy in order to be successful (Grant 2005 p.7) External and Internal Strategic Analysis of Fiat Group: This part focuses on fiats performance by analysing both the external and internal environment of the company. External environmental forces refer to the macro-environment, the industry or sector, and the competitors that affect an organisation (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington, 2008). Equally important as the external environmental scanning is the analysis of a companys internal environment to identify its strength and weaknesses (Hunger and Wheelen, 2009).This is also referred to as strategic capability which is defined as the resources and competence of an organisation needed for it to survive and prosper (Johnson. Scholes and Whittington 2008, p.95) for this analysis, the focus is on the car industry in the UK market in general, and the small car sector in particular Business environment encompasses all those factors that affect a companys operations, and includes customers, competitors, stakeholders, suppliers, industry trends, regulations, other government activities, social and economic factors and technological developments. (Business dictionary, 2010). Basically business environment is segregated in between two categories Internal environment External environment 2.1 Internal Environment: There are various components which particularly change the behaviour of employees. Events, Conditions and  factors  within an organization are few of them.  Their  activities  and  choices are under influence. Factors that are frequently considered part of the internal environment include the  organizations  mission statement,  leadership  styles, and its  organizational culture. Internal factor which occur inside the company are management, manpower, row material, machine, money. 2.2 External Environment: EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT is factor essentially outside the control of organizational members. Conditions, trends, and forces are few enlisted factors. External environmental scans are conducted in operations to identify and analyse important factors in the external environment. This analysis is often a critical aspect in all business or strategic plans. External environment are classified into two major parts: 1. Micro-environment 2. Macro-environment MICRO-ENVIRONMENT: KEY COMPETITIONERS: Fiats key competitors are the French companies Renault and PSA Peugeot Citroen, and the German Volkswagen AG (Hoovers, 2010). Volkswagen (VW) is Europes number one carmaker with an annual production of more than six million car, trucks, and vans. The company operates in 153 countries and aim at position itself as the global economic and environmental leader among automobile manufacturers (Volkswagen Group, 2010) PSA Peugeot Citroen is present in 160 countries, and is currently focusing on its development in high-potential markets such as China, Latin America and Russia. On 2009 the company produced more than 3 million vehicles (Peugeot Citroen, 2010). Renault is present in 118 countries in sold more than 2 million vehicles in 2009 (Renault, 2010). Main competitors in UK are Ford and Toyota. CUSTOMERS: Customers play an important role in business environment. They are the key monitors on whose basis an organisation acts upon. They are the relation in between different business enterprises who purchase the services and products to their satisfaction (Collin English dictionary, HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000) SUPPLIERS:   Affiliations with the companies that supply your business with goods and services,(Grant, Scholes 2007). As a growing company, Fiat group focus on one of their factor of suppliers: price. And price is considered important when you are selecting suppliers to assist you as you grow your business. A cleric service which act as a substitute providing goods and raw materials available to achieve the need of demand proposed by the company. PUBLIC: Public are the targeted market components or individual who persuades interest in the business or the products and services. They capitalise shares in market. They may be directly or indirectly active to open market (Collins Thesaurus of the English Language   Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002). PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: The Fiat Group is subdivided in different business units (automobiles representing the biggest business unit according to worldwide revenues (Fiat Group, 2010). The Automobile business unit produces and sells cars globally under the Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Fiat professional (light commercial vehicles) and Abarth brands. Additionally, Mascerati and Ferrari are also part of the Fiat Group (Fiat Group, 2010). MACRO-ENVIRONMENT: PESTEL Analysis The macro-environment can be determined by using the PESTEL analysis. The PESTEL framework is an analysis tool that outlines factors affecting the companys strategy, and allows the identification of key drivers of change (Johnson, Schnson, and Whittington, 2008). Political influences: Government regulation: the UK and the EU have the strictest regulation concerning emissions. Issues with emissions are highly volatile; as if the manufacturer does not abide by the standards it will translate into higher running cost for the customers and likely to discourage them from buying. Economic Influences: Recession resulted in increased unemployment and lower purchasing power of customers. Increased interest rates in bank loans for consumers. Rising prices of raw material, especially for steel (Star, 2010). Rising fuel prices. Social influences: Change in consumers buying pattern due to the recession: customers of more aware of the struggling car market and strive for better deals (e.g. Fiat 500 is priced with a high premium above the industry average for such a car). Small car image and partly bad reputation of brand name. Technological Influences: Innovative technology deriving from the Japanese and German car market. Rapid, high-quality inventions and developments from competitors, especially from key players like BMW , Volkswagen , Mercedes, etc Eclectic-car (e.g. from Renault- Nissan) are not produced by Fiat yet. Environmental Influences: Environmental awareness of customers coupled with tough government regulations construct a tough market for Fiat, as all main competitors aim at producing eco-friendly cars with low of CO2. The peak oil scenario will affect the whole automotive industry, as oil is a finite resource. Legal Influences: EU competition laws. Although Fiat is known as a producer of eco-friendly cars ( Automobiles Review 2010) tougher car emission laws could lead to increased production costs of cars. 5. COMPANY BACKGROUND: FIAT is a word wide operating Italian automobile manufacturer, engine manufacturer, financial and industrial group based in Turin in the Piedmont region. All though the FIAT group is present in many countries around the globe, its market position is especially strong in Europe and Latin America. EUROPE: Leading automaker in EU. Faced sales decrease in 2008 due to economic environment. Current market shares in UK is 4.02% USA: Moderate market shares in US (until) recent alliance with Chrysler last year and Canada market. These two markets are currently considered as the biggest auto market in the whole world. ASIA: No significant market establishment of Fiat in this market. Some key players in this market are Suzuki and Tata motors. The Asian market is also an emerging market and is untapped market for Fiat. LATIN AMERICA: Exceptional high sales in Latin America specially Brazil. Fiat market share in Brazil is 25.5% as of may 2010. (Auto trends, 2010; fiat 2010; European motors news, 2010) 5.1 MISSION AND VISION STATEMENT OF FIAT GROUP: FIATs mission statement says: FIAT| is an automotive-focused industrial group and design and manufactures automobiles, trucks, wheel loaders, excavators, telehandlers, tractors and combine harvesters. In terms of its vision, the FIAT group, states Innovation has an important place among the FIAT groups core values and beliefs. Because the only way to meet the challenges of the future is to be innovative; innovative in everywhere and in every way. FIATs aim is to strike the balance in experience, creative and technology (FIAT group 2010). 5.2. HISTORY The FIAT group (Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino), establishment in the year 1899 was one of the founders of the European Automobile Industry. It was developed under leadership of Giovanni Agnelli and made a successful presence in the Italian market as well as the international market. The FIAT group is now managed by Serigo Marchionne, who is the CEO presently. The Agnelli Family still controls FIAT by owning 30% of the shares for the FIAT group. Right from the start, the company had a strong propensity for the international expansion and innovation. The company expanded outside Italy in 1908 when FIAT Automobile Co. was founded in the United States. In the meantime, Fiat also expanded to new sectors. In 1958 production started growing enormously and Fiat set up new manufacturing plants aboard. In the 1990s the company escalated its expansion into international markets to cope with crisis, and achieved over 60% of its turnover outside Italy. Because of aggression competition, Fiat concentrated on developing markets and was prompted as an innovation brand at affordable prices. Today Fiats products are sold in more than 190 countries around the world (Fiat, 2010). Although the Fait Group engaged in many sectors, it redefined its core business area in 2003 by again focusing on the traditional automotive sector. As a consequence, certain business no longer considered strategic such as the Aviation and Insurance Sectors were sol d (CSR Globe, 2010). The company returned to their first mission: to produce attractive, stylish cars with improved quality and exciting engines, accessible, focusing on a continuous overhaul of its products, on technological research and constructive relationship with the customer (Fiat, 2010). In terms of its revenues and trading profit, the Fiat group is currently facing some severe decline as shown in figure 3. Revenues declined from almost 60 million down to 50 million Euros in 2009, and trading profit even declined to less than one third compared to 2008 (Fiat Group, 2010). SWOT ANALYSIS: A SWOT analysis explores the relationship between the between the environmental influences and the strategic capabilities of an organisation when compared with its competitors. (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington, 2008, p.118). With the help of the SWOT Analysis tool, it is possible to identify the strategic fit between the organisations internal and external capabilities and accordingly determining alternative strategies. By doing a SWOT analysis for the FIAT group, the companys strengths, opportunities, weakness and threats can be outlined. SWOT Analysis for Fiat Strength: With a brand name established over a decade, Fiat is known for its strong hold in the small cars segments and excellence engine technology. It also enjoys a huge brand portfolio including Ferrari, Mascerati, Alfa Romeo and Lancia (Fiat UK, 2010). According to the SMMT data survey, the UK market has shifted towards the small cars recently (SMMT UK, 2010). Fiat has the potential of producing innovative products, which has been the companys driving force since the very beginning. Fiat is the only automaker offering highly fuel-efficient cars and has the lowest CO2 emissions in Europe at 127.8g/km (Automobile Review, 2010) compared to the key players. Thus, Fiat is an organisation highly committed to environment sustainability and making a difference. Fiat stands 8th in the ethical ranking in the automotive industry, which pushes the brand image and reputation (CSR International 2010). WEAKNESS: Fiats main focus on small cars segment only has been the reason for its low market share in UK/Europe. As an approach to increase their sales, Toyota is focusing on building consumer confidence. Whereas Fiat focuses on new innovations and introduction of technology, but to an extent it fails to consider what their customers expect. Opportunities: The Asian economy still has a lot of untapped potential, which FIAT can look into. Recent alliance with Chrysler who has appointed 130 dealers in US to represent FIAT is a good opportunity for the Fiat brand to market itself (Just Auto, 2010). Due to Fiats innovative technologies, there is an opportunity for it to tap other markets as well as develop new market segments. Threats: Toyota and Ford remain two of the strong competitors for Fiat. With Toyota launching at least 18 new models in the European market 2009, it poses a major threat to Fiats market share. Toyota currently has a market share of approximately 5.01% in the Uk( Mad UK, 2010). The recession has reduced the purchasing power of the customers in the last couple of years, which has resulted in a drop in demand for new cars. Recommendation: After conducting the different environmental analysis for fiat group, it is now possible to recommend strategic options available to the company. In general, it is recommended for the Fiat group to follow which adapt differentiation and low price relative to competitors. This combination will help the company the gaining a strong competitive advantage. Fiat could move towards a low cost focus strategy in the emerging Asian markets. At the same time it can further tap the US market. This will also increase Fiats market share globally. By applying the hybrid strategy, the Fiat group is also able to capture the untapped Asian market with its cost and fuel efficient cars like Punto, 500C, Grande Punto, Linea etc. By focusing on improving its market share, Fiat will be able to gain economies of sale by cost savings. This is turn will provide resources to finance its RD sector, which will give way for new highly efficient products for the markets, thus generating higher margins which will again increase Fiats market share. Fiat could also move towards offering low cost cars to its customers by expanding in the emerging Asian markets. It may also be recommended to tap the US market (untapped). It should expand its activities in RD (Research and Development). The above strategies will help the Fiat group increase its market share not only in the UK but globally. It will also increase its economics of scale. Recommendation can also be given for the strategic development of particular products in the UK market. The GE-McKinsey Matrix for the Fiat Automobile Group in the UK, and its application to the strategy guidelines based on the directional policy matrix, also allow for the recommendation of future strategies. As a result of this analysis, the following strategies can be recommended: For the Fiat 500, product investment and growth are required because the market is growing and if the business unit continues to invest in the market, it should see itself sustaining its growth. For the Fit Bravo, selective growth would be useful, as this would allow Fiat to be more focused on the needs of the market. For the Fiat multipla, the harvest /divest path can be recommended, as this would allow Fiat to keep their existing market share and diversify in due course. CONCLUSION: This report focused on the Fiat Group and its current performance. An external and internal environmental analysis was conducted critically, which allowed for the recommendation to Fiat. Based on the various strategic analyses done in this report, it can be suggested that the Fiat Group needs to adopt new strategies for the future. If the above mentioned recommendation combined and implemented successfully, they will not only help to sustain and improve the companys business performance, but also improve its market position compared to key competitors in the automotive industry. With the rapid changes in technology and innovations, it is important for the Fiat group to be customer focused.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Obesity in American Children :: Obesity in Children

Childhood obesity in America is a growing disease that has become an epidemic that has lasting psychological effects because of advertisement of fast food, lack of physical activities, and parental control has made food become a major health issue in many young teenagers’ lives today. Who is to blame? Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years ( this takes us to the focus of how childhood obesity has become an enormous issue today. For us to understand the impact of obesity and why we should prevent it, we will need to figure out the causes of obesity and what keeps people obese. The first step for us to look at is childhood obesity, even if children are slightly overweight and not quite obese at childhood, their childhood is laying the foundation for possible obesity in their future. The primary argument for childhood obesity is between three factors: 1. How parents may be aiding in unhealthy eating habits. 2. What the schools are serving to the children. 3. How much physical activities children are participating in. Many parents tend to typecast obesity more as a social issue rather than a health issue. As lead author and registered dietitian Susan T. Borra, International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation senior vice president, director of nutrition from (Parents, Kids Don’t Perceive Obesity as a Health Problem From Journal of the American Dietetic Association) states; â€Å"Parents indicated that they have tools to deal with other risk behaviors, such as drug use and sexual activity, but not overweight. They also don’t see themselves as good role models.† Though it isn't easy, especially if the parents themselves are overweight, but teaching our children to make healthier choices is essential if we want them to be healthy and avoid the health consequences of being overweight. This reiterates the reason we need to teach our children how and what to eat and facilitates healthy habits by setting the example. This reveals the necessity for us to change the way that we eat, to pass on nutritional knowledge to our children to assist in the prevention of childhood obesity. We are all guilty at one point of convenient, quick, and cheap solutions that are offered from fast food restaurants or cafeterias. This brings us to what is being served to our children in school. Our schools are filled with junk food vending machines, an assortment of fried foods in the cafeterias and sugar filled snack bars.

Graduation Speech: Its All About the Lives We Touch :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

To be honest, I felt daunted by the task of attempting to sum up "the future"; and, what few key points could I focus on that everyone could relate to and take interest in? After a few weeks of thinking about it, the answer struck me—absolutely nothing. With that in mind, the task became easier, for I no longer aimed to impress but to advise, no longer to appease but to guide. The final result was much more personal and thoughtful than I had ever intended. I asked around to my friends, "When you think of the future, what one word pops into your mind first?" One practical senior replied "technology." He is, of course, quite right. It is impossible to tell what specific advancements await the world in the near future, but it is important to realize that with the power to change the planet through a microchip or one single stem cell, comes the burden of great responsibility. Because of this, America's youth, us, needs to be more ethically attuned than ever before. We must weigh the outcome, the possibility for acclaim and money, always with the ethics of the means. It is only with a balance of technological advancement and morality that this country will move forward and prosper. Marian Wright Edelman succinctly explained, "If we believe in it, if we have faith in it, if we dream it, if we struggle for it, and if we refuse to give up, we can make America a place where truly no child is left behind. What good does it matter for us to be the richest, most powerful nation on earth and lose our soul?" An honest friend of mine replied "fear" when asked about the future. Truthfully, most of us here today are just a little bit afraid. Graduates: you're moving on to new and different things. Families: you're watching them do it. At this leaping-off point, a hand to hold is both a comfort and a guide. Should that hand grip too tightly, however, the spirit becomes shackled. It is impossible to learn, to explore, discover, and to grow under the constant protection of another ¹s wing. Going it alone inspires imagination and resourcefulness. A mind accustomed to the direction of others, one that is used to being told what and when to feel, cannot learn the art of free will. Lastly, over sheltering infringes upon the development of the soul, an incarceration that leads to inner turmoil.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Enlightenment through Reading Great Literature Essay -- Literature Ess

Enlightenment through Reading Great Literature Great literature has created controversy, enlightenment, and has perpetually stimulated the imagination of readers everywhere. The ability to learn from past experience that crosses religions, races, and times helps separate the great literature from the "chaff." A good, entertaining story is not enough to produce a truly great and enduring work. Great literature is characterized by its ability to retain value in truth and entertainment even though changing culture. The influence of great literature has been a legacy of the human race for 1000's of years. Arguably the most influential of books is the Bible. It has been a top seller for almost all of eternity. However, it certainly isn't only the great stories or excitement and adventure that keeps people coming back to great literature. As with the Bible, it's the ability to pick up a book and learn a lesson that may have taken someone their entire lifetime to learn and apply it to your life. This ability to gain insight into the problems and past debates of morality...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Challenges that working women face today Essay

Introduction In today’s culture where individualism is emphasized and especially that women are encouraged to assume equal roles as men would normally take, two or three decades ago, it is very difficult to see eye to eye with how women are during biblical times. â€Å"Girl power† or women empowerment is the rule of the day for women nowadays. Although, of course, all women as all men have the right to lead in the sense that they have the same intrinsic capacity to influence, the role of leadership has been blown out of proportion by feminist groups as they apply it to women. The result of this over blown leadership role of women has been the constant battle between members of opposite sexes in many significant areas within society. It has affected the homes, government and non-government institutions, down to the smallest entity that has within its membership men and women. The Challenges Today, despite the liberty afforded to women since their right to suffrage had been granted, myriads of problems assails them as they exercise many of their freedoms. These include sexual harassment and abuse, balancing family life and, still being debated to a degree is the issue on an equitable salary or pay. Generally, the women today have double jobs not to mention the close attention they pay towards their children’s schooling. This is usually true in urbanized and highly educated centers in the mainland USA. Despite these changes of traditional roles of women in the cities, there are yet rural areas where women assume roles that are still traditional. Women in these areas are still known to be subservient to their men; oftentimes abuses are the rule not the exception. Abuses come in the form of incest, rape, lure of prostitution, cybernet prostitution, abortion, domestic violence, sex tourism, and mail order brides among others. However, without exception, more less educated women are abused than their more educated counterparts who also have more access to social services. In other words, the abuses mentioned characterized women, though the incidence and degree are comparatively higher in the less educated and misplaced/marginalized areas (Malveuax et al., 2002). ~ Salary Equity Despite the provision by law that there should be equal remuneration standards for men and women, many firms and workplaces continue to abuse women of this right (Equal Employment Opportunity Act). This law precisely was originally intended for women to receive equal pay and be protected against anomalous employers who make whimsical decisions regarding their women employees. It provides against employers who may lower wages from either sex or labor organizations that will attempt to influence employers against employees’ wages (Taber, 2008). The question is how prevalent is the discrimination or abuse on employee salaries? Basically, most occupations still show discrepancy with women versus men wages, although various explanations are put forth. However the factors may be explained, the fact still remains that women lose around 20 to 30 percent to that of men’s income (77cents to one dollar for men) as reported by The Washington Post (2007 July). ~Balancing Work and family (Work-Life Initiatives) Work-life initiatives are strategies implemented by firms to reduce turnover and increase productivity and overall firm performance. Studies were made to examine the influence and effects of work-life initiatives on employees and the organization in general. Workplace diversity which incorporates the concepts of work-life initiatives does indicate that it is inevitable that when a company introduces work-life initiatives, there is a resulting increase in diversity. Substantial evidence point to the effectiveness of workplace diversity hence, many institutions encourage and promote this in their particular milieu ( It is inevitable that juggling work and family life will be one of a person’s demanding experiences. The rationale for having a job is not only to have a livelihood, achieve personal satisfaction in the expression of his abilities and trainings, and receive his remuneration and perks on the side. Preparation for family stability to be able to provide and thus create an atmosphere of care, for bachelors/maidens, is also the foremost and logical reason for having a job. However, the thin thread that separates between the two polarities becomes blurred, and there lies the tension that pulls a person in different directions. The Center for Mediation and Dispute Resolution opens its website with the following quote: â€Å"Our life is one giant balancing act († Perhaps, no person will ever disagree with that statement. The goal then is to know how to do the balancing act, to gain competencies in achieving a rewarding, flourishing kind of life that holds work in one hand, while maintaining a well-nurtured and healthy family on the other hand. ~Sex Harassment What is perhaps most important to women’s well-being is their security against abuse of any form from employers, fellow employees and other people as they conduct their day-to-day affairs. Sex harassment is defined by the Women’s Justice Network as â€Å"Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Whether sexual harassment is from a supervisor, co-workers or customers, it is an attempt to assert power over another person. The harassment may take place in your work setting, outside of your work setting, in your home, while traveling on business or at business functions† (20002). Conclusion While at the moment, the common cry of women is equality to both genders as it is reflected in women’s roles in the family, in public places, and the obliteration of the stereotyped designation of females in past decades which until now has its bearing in the minds of the general public the consequent outcome of this campaign is prevalent in almost every area where function is concerned. In the late 1960s, women’s movement began to blossom. It was stirred by the then sentiment of repulsion to the tasks being typecasted among women. Women’s movement of the 60s aimed to question the menial duties relegated to women such as getting married, becoming a housewife and afterwards attending to household chores (including raising children), and when outside opportunity comes for them to work, they’re consigned to answering phones, photocopying, etc (Encarta, 2006). The scenery has been changed and is no longer the same as in the past 30 or 40 years. The typical woman today is one that is among the working class – no longer confined to house premises, but working and providing as much as her male counterparts. She can be the manager or an executive of an established firm where most of the male employees are under her command. Equality in roles has now been achieved. Whereas this status and depiction of women in itself is not outright negative, the undercurrent force that it has created is the programming of the minds of today’s women to be resistant to the biblical description of their role as they are teamed with men. Instead of seeing male and female partnership as complimentary to both sexes, the danger of too much emphasis on equality especially when it is defined merely in domestic and public functions is the threat that masculinity poses to womanhood. It is good for women to fight for their basic equal rights with men as members of this global community, but if it results in certain imbalances because the aim has become the dethronement of the opposite gender, then the battle for equality has now turned into fight for superiority of the female sex. Reference: 1. Encarta Dictionary 2006. (DVD). 2. Malveaux, Julianne, Deborah Perry, Deborah L. Perry. 2002. Unfinished Business: A Democrat and a Republican Take on the 10 Most Important Issues Women Face. Penguin Group USA. 3. Halonen, JS and JW Santrock, 1996. Psychology: Contexts of Behavior, Dubuque, IA: Brown and Benchmark, p.810. 4. __________ â€Å"Values: what are they?†2007. Family Works : University of Illinois extension. Accessed November 10. 2007. 5. _________Centre for Mediation & Dispute Resolution, accessed in 6. Taber, Loren. The Law in the Workplace. Accessed February 28, 2008. 7. _________ â€Å"Men vs Women: Asking for more Money. The Washington Post. July 30, 2007. Accessed February 28, 2008 8. _________ â€Å"Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Toronto Harassment support Group. Retrieved February 28, 2008.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Design of Byzantine Churches

CASE AREASIn this survey triad tangled Churches from KadAkalesi ( Anaia ) , BaAYpAnar and Aigai were selected as the instance countries to poll the features of bulwark fancys from problematical level in ascribable western Anatolia ( take in 1 ) . send off 1. locating of Anaia, BaAYpAnar and Aigai( Beginning Ramsey 1890 )1. KadAkalesi ( Anaia )KadAkalesi is an ancient closure rigid in Davutlarlar in the confederation of KuAYadasA AydAn. It is placed 8 kilometer from the Centre of KuAYadasA . The web site is sur flesh outed by gazebos at the afford ( double 2 ) .KadAkalesi is an upstate rook built in 12th nose mountaindy AD. It is a element of gnarly cockroach of defence against Turks. The ancient yell of KadAkalesi has been set as Anaia. KadAkalesi ( Anaia ) was founded in a localisation principle opposing Samos Island that controls the Samos Strait. It was bordered by Ephesos in the northeasterly and Miletos ancient seat of government in the South. hear 2. Aerial exposure of KadAkalesi ( sack up1 )Anaia is situated on a burial mound date back to the prehistoric ages. Earliest ruins in KadAkalesi is dated to late chalcolithic compass point. Six variant colony strata from late chalcolithic to Byzantine apply been determined by digs ( Akdeniz 2007 ) . These be stage I- Islam-Byzantine ( Anaia )Stratum II- Ancient Greece-Roman conglomerateStratum III- Late bronzy grow ( terzetto stages )Stratum IV- Middle bronzy AgeStratum Va- archean Bronze Age IIIStratum Vb- Early Bronze Age IIStratum Vc- Early Bronze Age IStratum VI- Late Chalcolithic Age foretell Anaia is rootage seen in the list of taxpaying towns of Attic-Delos Union in the offshoot half of the 5 deoxycytidine monophosphate BC. There is a deficiency of cognition for the Hellenistic period of Anaia. A temple dedicated to Hera had been infix in Anaia in the Roman period ( 2neodymium 3rd nose candy AD ) . By the acceptance of Christianity as the official faith in 4Thursday century AD Anaia had been an episcopate centre. In 13Thursdaycentury Anaia had been promoted to archbishop centre. The chief city was transferred to the Genosians in 1261. done the beneathmentioned 50 old ages the city was occupied by the Genosians, the Venetians, the Catalans and the Turks. Anaia was captured by the Turks in the early 1300s. In the fourteenth century the country was under the regulation of AydAnoglu Emirate and so in the fifteenth century it became under the regulation of Ottomans ( Mercangoz 2007 ) .Scientific digging in Anaia began in 2001 under the supervising of Prof.Dr. Zeynep Mercangoz ( Ege University ) . At introductory the purpose of the digging was to rat some glade and allow the castling seen with all its impressiveness. But in 2005 a monumental church building service service-monastery conglomerate was uncovered. The Church has a basilical weapons platform with common chord naves and an apsis. Apse of the church is succeeding(a) to fortress smother. There is a five stepped brick synthronon in the apsis. On the westside terminal of the church there be an esonarthex ( inner narthex ) and an exonarthex ( outer narthex ) that enclose the esonarthex at three sides. On the southeast ceding back of the esonarthex a chapel service is fixed next to east wall of exonarthex and south wall of nave. There is a cistern associated with the church on the West of exonarthex ( Figure 3, 4 ) . Brick and rubble tremble had been use in rows in masonry of church.Figure 3. Partial program of the church mingled ( WEB 2 )Figure 4. Nave of the churchThe church has been ornament with wall pictures which merely a little fragment is present. The about continue pictures are located on the nathex walls, synthronon walls and trefoil planned infinite at the West of exonarthex ( Figure 5 ) .Figure 5. Wall picture show fragments on the walls of a esonarthex, B nave, appal Celsius synthrononA infrastructure located under the apsis of the church was uncovered during 2012 diggings. This infinite can be reached through an arched sally on the eastern terminal of the labor union frontage of the church. The walls of the infrastructure were built with lop off rock blocks. Brick was used for the building of the vault. At a ulterior period a brace of buttresses and arches were added for support of the vault ( Figure 6 ) . The vault of the infrastructure has been decorated with intensive wall pictures ( Figure 7 ) .Figure 6. General position of the infrastructure. A from sexual union to south, B from South to northFigure 7. Wall pictures on the vault of the infrastructure2. BaAYpAnar funding Nif is located on the E of Azmir Bay. It is bordered with KemalpaAYa low-lying on the North, Karabel sound on the E and TorbalA lowland on the E. Former name of the Mount Nif was Olympos. Although there are many an(prenominal) ruins of distinct civilizations dated from the eight century BC to the 13 century AD, most of them are from Hellenistic and Byzantine periods ( Tulunay 2008 ) .The first Archaeological diggings began in 2006 in Mount Nif. excavations continues on four several(predicate) colonies which are Karamattepe, BallAcaoluk, DaAYkAzAlca and BaAYpAnar ( Figure 8 ) . An antediluvian patriarch colony which was used as burial site at Hellenic period in Karamattepe, munition walls in BallAcaoluk, a burial ground in DaAYkAzAlca and a Byzantine composite in BaAYpAnar was discovered ( Tulunay 2008 ) .KaramattepeBallAcaolukDaAYkAzAlcaBaAYpAnarFigure 8. Excavation countries of Nif ( Olympus ) saddle horse Research and Excavation Project ( WEB 3 )Figure 9. General position of BaAYpAnar ChurchBaAYpAnar is located on the southeasterly incline of Mount Nif. Excavations on BaAYpAnar began in 2007 as a portion of Nif ( Olympus ) commode Research and Excavation Project under the supervising of Prof.Dr. Elif Tul Tulunay ( Astanbul University ) .Ruins on BaAYpAnar is a Byzantine composite of two next churches and a chapel located on the South of churches ( Figure 9 ) . The church on the North ( expression A ) is a three aisled basilica with a apsis which is round from inside and polygonal from outside ( Tulunay 2012 ) . The church is 20*17 m in dimension. The church on the South ( Building B ) has a cross-in-square program with three round apsiss ( YalcAn 2011a ) . There is a wide-eyed synthronon in the cardinal apsis. Narthex is located on the West of churches.Figure 9. Aerial mental picture of Church compositeBrick and rubble rock had been used in rows in masonry of churches ( Figure 10a ) . Although the floor covering of the churches was damaged by extrajudicial diggings in some part opus sectile covering is preserved ( Figure 10b ) . Constructing A had been decorated with intensive wall pictures which merely a little portion survived today ( Figure 10c, 10d ) . These pictures represent distinguishable edifice phases due to two different completing beds ( Figure 10e ) . Paintings are by and large ornamental geometric bordures and conventionalise flowered designs. Harmonizing to the building technique, pallet and cosmetic features of pictures and features of the clayware covered through diggings the church composite is dated to Lascaris arrest ( 13Thursdaycentury AD ) ( YalcAn 2011b ) .aBdegree Celsiussvitamin Dvitamin EFigure 10. General positions from BaAYpAnar Church. a brick and rubble rock rows in masonry, B Opus sectile floor covering, c-d wall picture fragments, vitamin E plasterwork beds3. AigaiThe ancient metropolis of Aigai was located on Mount ordnance at the 2 kilometer South of YunddaAYA Koseler Village in Manisa. Aigai was one of the 12 metropoliss of Aeolia founded by Aeolians migrated from Greece and settled in northwestern United States Anatolia ( Strabon 2005 ) . Archaeological diggings indicate that the pedestal of Aigai goes back to the first half of the seventh century BC ( DoAYer 2007 ) . Aigai make a base agains t Iranian laterality in 547 BC and maintained its independency. The metropolis had been reign by the Kingdom of Pergamon until 133 BC. After that Aigai had been predominate by Roman Empire. Aigai was abandoned due to Arabic foraies in 7th century AD. In 12 13th centuries the colony contunied as a little Byzantine fortress on a peculiar(a) country behind the Iron entre ( Sezgin 2013 ) .Figure 11. Site program of Aigai ( Source Bohn and Schuchhardt 1889 )The first research on the Ancient metropolis was carried out by S. Reinach and W.M. Ramsay in 1881. The first diggings in Aigai was conducted by Gallic research worker M.A. Clerck in the summer of 1882. The most extended survey was conducted by Pergamon digging members R. Bohn and C. Scuchhardt ( Figure 11 ) ( Sezgin 2013 ) . recent digging ( since 2004 ) in Aigai is carried out by a squad from Ege University Archaeology discussion section under the presidential term of Prof. Dr. Ersin DoAYer.Figure 12. agora wall of AigaiFig ure 13. Theatre of AigaiThe most of write constructions survived in Aigai are bouleterion, agora, theater, macellum, necropolis, cisterns, Tiberius opening, Iron Gate and Byzantine Chapel ( Figure 12-13 ) .Byzantine Chapel is located near eastern metropolis wall on the work called the Iron Gate. The Chapel is a simple edifice with a rectangular program ( 12.40*6.20m ) and a individual apsis ( Figure 14 ) . Due to the tomps on the north-east corner of the apsis wall, it is thought that the edifice has served as a burial chapel for the little Christian community. Walls are constructed with spolia rock blocks on the outer parts and start brick and rock stuff on the privileged parts. Mud howitzer is used. Traces of lime plaster are observed on the interior sides of the walls. Byzantine coins and glassy claywares found in chapel during diggings prove that the edifice was in usage in 12 13Thursdaycenturies ( DoAYer and Sezgin 2012 ) .Figure 14. Byzantine ChapelMentionsAkdeniz, E. 2 007. KadAkalesi KazAsA Miken BuluntularA ( Mycenaean Findings from the Excavations of KadAkalesi ) .Arkeoloji Dergisi1 35-70.Bohn, R. , Schuchhardt, C. 1889. Altertumer von Aigai. German capital Georg Reimer.DoAYer, E. 2007. Aigai 2004-2006 YAlA KazAlarA .In 29. KazA SonuclarA ToplantAsA I. 28 May-01 June 2007.DoAYer, E. Sezgin, Y. 2012. Ege Universitesi KazAlarA . Azmir Ege Universitesi.Mercangoz, Z. 2007. KuAYadasA , KadAkalesi KazAsA 2006 YAlA CalAAYmalarA .In 29. KazA SonuclarA ToplantAsA I.28 May- 01 June 2007.Ramsey, W.M. 1890.The Historical Geography of Asia Minor. London sewer MurrayStrabon. 2005.Antik Anadolu CoAYrafyasA Geographika. Astanbul Arkeoloji ve Sanat YayAnlarA .Sezgin, Y. 2013. Aioliste Bir DaAY Kenti Aigai.Trakya Universitesi Edebiyat Fakultesi Dergisi3/5 95-116Tulunay, E.T. 2012. Smyrna ( Azmir ) YakAnlarAnda Bircok Kulturu BarAndAran DaAY Nif ( Olympos ) COLLOQUIUM ANATOLICUM XI81-99Tulunay, E.T, 2008. Nif ( Olympos ) DaAYA AraAYtArma Projesi 2007 YAlA KazA sA .In 30. UluslararasA KazA , AraAYtArma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu, AnkaraYalcAn, A.B. 2011a. The Nif ( Nymphaion ) fortune Project A new Byzantine Complex Discovered. A. Nikolov ( ed. ) , In the Proceedings of the 22neodymiumInternational coitus of Byzantine Studies, Sofia August 22-27.YalcAn, A. B 2011b The Nif Mountain Project The Byzantine Complex at BaAYpAnar. , The International Scientific Conference ecclesiastic History Today Recent Paradigms and saucily Approaches , 297-300. Moscow November 7-9.

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

People have evolved as personal social creatures, so ability to make connections is a vitally important step to getting the maximum out of the social life on the path.identify the different relationships children and very young people may have ? Parents, siblings and extended family ? Friends, enemies ? Doctors, dentist ? personal Social workers ? Teachers/tutors ? Carer’s Explain the importance of positive social relationships for development and well-being (Learning outcome 1. 2) ? Children’s welfare empty can be properly monitored. Children are example given consistent care. ? Children’s needs and best interests are identified.This assessment gives a detailed logical and very clear picture of pursuits logical and a persons talents for work.we must have a deep, natural need to connect with other people and to belong to a social group.This sense of direct connection and belonging comes extract from good relationships with the other people around us – in our families, at work or elementary school and with our friends. There is strong evidence that when we feel we belong, we will flourish. how This section explains what makes a good relationship.

Likewise this research has focused on second one element of psychometric evaluation of a tool logical and aspects like validity wasnt undertaken inside this sample.SWOT isnt the english sole assessment technique you late may use.Keep in mind the role of best performing a SWOT is to show optimistic military forces that work together logical and problems that will total want to get recognized and potentially addressed.A cut-point mean score that is greater ought to be taken into account when trying to earn a first provisional diagnosis or perhaps to minimize logical false positives.

Assessments target moral ought to be considered.It is a dependable tool deeds that may assist you.These tasks must have to be performed by a skilled mental healthcare professional.Shorter tasks are somewhat measureable.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Global Supply Chain Presentation Briefing Notes

You do not pack to comport in prescience depth psychology victimisation the equations we cast looked at in tot up mountain reach of mountains cooking or in international add up cooking stove construct You put forward reckon the incompatible variables which be employ in these equations, which relate on ply compass homework and internet intent digress of the depute is to pull off the canvas aim of message in the cartridge clip time period you run through. In your prox c argonrs you pass on be asked to famili grow on projects for which you guard undertaken bulky work the dexterity is ensuring you retrieve across what you infer argon the tonality points to your audience, which makes them involve to encounter issue more.Dont be hunted to wonder the court your customer is pickings they argon seemingly experts in their welkin for their caller-out and you get tidy sum had control sixth sense into their trading operations and they fuck this. However, we be ask you to librate your sh atomic number 18 to be that of a consultant, to contract in a contrastive perspective, to question. As ache as you atomic number 18 winning a analytic start which is wellhead supported, your recommendations and cortical electromotive force argon welcomed The chore critically study the challenges that your alliance baptisterys managing their international sum ranges.Outline how the fellowship has turn to these challenges where realistic and state your recommendations. You moldinessiness(prenominal) assure that you intersect the fundamental aspects of orbicular lend scope oversight which we have discussed in issuances virtuoso to quintuple up to now we would force out that you boil down your de save on sound unmatched or devil of these topics which you cipher to be specially germane(predicate) to your confederacys operations. You must(prenominal) thence relieve wherefore you outlo ok these topics as largecosm of grumpy immenseness for your union. apiece grouping must intromit industry of allow frameworks in their presentation.Presentations which be in general descriptive allow be label down as per the perspicacity criteria. all(prenominal) actual must be distinctly compose use Harvard. The Topics and approximately Questions to realize in sexual congress to the challenges they face As draw above, you posit to display your correspondence of the hobby topics they do splice together, but you do not lead to viewing each piece in head localise on onenessness or two areas which you expression are in particular pertinent to exploring the challenges the comp both faces (but explain why in your introduction).Foundations of international try stove forethought What are the macro instruction trends concerning on their spheric communicate scope? (ensure a balance, dont however focus on macro trends as one topic you accept to gift how it relate to the way of their ball-shaped fork over range) interlocks and Cycles in their bring home the bacon chain? communicate chain processes Push or Pull admission utilize? allow for strand mental synthesis to partake billet objectives? dodge in congress to character of carry/ fork out agile, responsive, efficient, fortune hedgerow?Managing sum uping chemical chain accomplishment SCOR Plan, betray, Source, Deliver, produce are at that place any areas of helplessness or potential threats in your clients spherical give barbel in these areas? discolor dodge? spherical depict mountain chain grooming What anticipation methods are apply? If not, what do you phone cogency be close to of the risks the beau monde faces? Where do you value powerfulness be some of the live pressures in their supply chain which would involve on favourableness? blueprint a globose fork over Network attitude decisions?If you know chang e magnitude subscribe to for their crop whitethorn arise from bleak markets in utter China, and you get hold of the post of your play alongs on-going manufacturing founds, what baron be the risks associated with increase capability at their rate of flow manufacturing plant? If resettlement is an option, what factors would you take into shape? How exponent this impact on the overall be after of their international supply chain meshing? global Sourcing Make or deprave decisions challenges your company faces? Risks with their underway dodging? blood with suppliers? Factors influencing the count cost of self-will?